So this weekend, we had an unexpected visitor in the form of this guy:
He appears to be around 7-9 months old, and once he figures out that you're not going to hurt him, he is the sweetest, chattiest kitty ever.
Tomorrow he goes to be tested for FELV/FIV, and if that comes back clean, he'll be vaccinated and neutered. With the assistance and encouragement of the awesome Ravelry LSG hoars, I've decided to call him Chester Henry McChattysox.
Have I ever mentioned that I hate-hate-hate lame pet names? Seriously, I do. I've met a crapton of Fluffies, Muffies, Blackies, Kitties, Callies, etc. So my guys all have unique names.
Oh, and here's a photo of the Lion Brand Sock-Ease socks I finished a few weeks ago:
One more thing, to follow up on my last post about Twitter and alienating one's readers: I did receive an email from the Unclutterer editor. It didn't contain any sort of explanation as to why she has decided to discriminate against us non-Twits. After a couple of exchanges with her, I decided to drop it entirely. Not worth my time trying to explain to her that if she'd bothered to read my comment, she'd have understood why I was so annoyed with the terms of the contest.
Kitty!!! And nice pink socks. :)