Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm helping - srsly!

I left the fabric, the ironing board and Stormy the kitty unattended for five minutes. Before I left, that fabric was laid out on the ironing board, ready to press. When I came back...not so much.
Yeah, I'm working on another quilt on an impossible deadline.

Because I am an idiot.

1 comment:

  1. Drew asked me for an ironing board today! I will direct him he will have some idea about alternate uses for said ironing board...

    Please have your Bro email me backchannel with local recommendations regarding sheds. I am thinking I need to have a real studio space, wired for power and water...and need to who I might be able to trust to do it properly...'round December maybe?

    Oh, btw, does he know any reputable people who do pest (i.e. possum and squirrel control)?
